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Academic Search Complete Academic research database for over 6,000 full-text journals.

Academic Video Online Access 89,000+ tiles including documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, award-winning films and more. Subject areas include Business & Economics, Counseling & Therapy, Diversity Studies, Education, Nursing, Science, Documentary Film, and Feature Films and more.

Cambridge Ejournal Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. With over 1.8 million journal articles and 46,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research.

DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals Community-curated online directory to peer-reviewed journals.

Ebook Central (ProQuest) 800,000+ ebooks from 650+ publishers.

EBSCO Connect Leading provider of research databases.

FirstSearch12 databases including ArticleFirstECO Electronic Collections OnlinePapersFirstProceedings, WorldCat.

Fuente Academia Premier Full-text database of Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and academic books.

Gale Databases Virtual Reference Library, Health and Medicine, Opposing Viewpoints, Science, ChiltonLibrary, LegalForms.

Google Scholar Web search engine of full text or metadata of scholarly literature.

JSTOR (Journal Storage) Multi-disciplinary archive of scholarly journals.

MAS Complete  High school library database of high school magazines and reference books.

MasterFILE Complete  Popular full-text magazines, reference books and other sources.

Middle Search Plus  Popular magazines and other sources for middle and junior high school.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context Cross-curricular research database covering today's hottest social issues.

ProQuest Databases Ebook Central, GeoRef, Military Database, SciTech Premium Collection.

Referencia Latina  Full-text Spanish database of reference books, magazines, & health reports.

SSRN (formerly Social Science Research Network) Full text academic papers in multiple subjects.

TexShare Databases E-resources licensed for the exclusive use of Texas library patrons.

TOPICsearch  For high school and public libraries, covers current events and popular classroom topics.

USA.gov Official web portal of the United States federal government.

Wiley Online Library Authoritative collection of 7.5+ million articles in online research journals, books, and reference works.

Arts, Humanities, Literature

Book Review Digest Plus Reviews from newspapers, review journals and popular magazines.

Communications & Mass Media Scholarly literature on all aspects of communications studies.

Essay and General Literature Index  250,000+ essays indexed in 9,100+ collections.

Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index About women, sexuality during the Middle Ages.

Humanities Full Text  Full text and abstracts of scholarly sources in the humanities.

JSTOR (Journal Storage) Multi-disciplinary archive of scholarly journals.

Literary Reference Center 250,000+ poems, short stories, novels, overviews, critical essays.

Original Sources (Britannica) 420,000+ primary source documents, books, authentic images.

Play Index  Index of 30,000 classic, historical, and contemporary plays.

Short Story Index  Index of 4,500+ short stories written in or translated into English.

20th Century Poetry (American and English) Full text of modern poems.


Business Abstracts with Full Text Bus. newspapers, journals, trade journals, annual reports.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Reference Center Inc. risk preparation and evaluation.

Business Source Complete Full text of business journals and reference works.

Educational Administration Abstracts Index of articles on leadership, management, and research.

Nexis Uni Business, legal and international news database.

Regional Business News  Full text of regional business publications.

Small Business Reference Center  "How-to" instructions on small business management.

SportDiscus Provides sports and sports medicine research in fitness, health, management, and sports. The database includes hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals.

Vocational and Career Collection Full text of 350+ trade and industry related periodicals.

Career Preparation & Advancement

Adult Core Skills Center Tutorials for math and language skills, and U.S. citizenship.

Career Center Plus Tutorials, test exams for workplace skills, WorkKeys Assessments, TOEIC.

College Admissions Test Preparation Center Tutorials for ACT, SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, AP, and more.

College Center Plus Tutorials in multi-subjects; exam preps for CLEP, admissions, and more.

College Success Skills Center Tutorials, articles, eBooks on academic and personal success.

Computer Skills Center Tutorials in computer basics, Internet basics, Microsoft, and more.

Job & Career Accelerator Help with job preparation, practice tests for GRE, LSAT, and more.

LearningExpress Library Help with career and job searches, resumes, cover letters.

Vocational and Career Collection Full text of 350+ trade and industry related periodicals.

Computers, Information Science

Computer Skills Center Tutorials in computer basics, Internet basics, Microsoft, and more.

Computer Source300 full-text journals and magazines covering computer topics.

HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer Interactions Resources 126,000+ publications covered.

Information Science & Technology Abstracts  Indexes articles, books, reports, patents.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts  Librarianship coverage back to the 1960s.

Professional Development Collection For education researchers and professional librarians.


Ebook Central (ProQuest) 800,000+ ebooks from 650+ publishers.

eBook Collection (EBSCO) 400,000+ eBooks from academic publishers and university presses.

National Emergency Library 1,000,000+ titles from the Internet Archive.

Project Gutenberg 59,000+ free eBooks

Wiley Online Library 22,000+ publications.


ACT and SAT Test Preparation Center ACT and SAT tutorials. School and scholarship finder.

Chronicle of Higher Education Weekly news source for colleges and universities.

College Admissions Test Preparation Center Tutorials for ACT, SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, AP, and more.

College Center Plus Tutorials in multi-subjects; exam preps for CLEP, admissions, and more.

College Success Skills Center Tutorials, articles, eBooks on academic and personal success.

Educational Administration Abstracts  Index of articles on leadership, management, and research.

ERIC Education Resources Information Center, from 1966 to present.

FirstSearch12 databases including ArticleFirstECO Electronic Collections OnlinePapersFirstProceedings, WorldCat.

High School Equivalency Center Language and math tutorial, preps for GED. Also in Spanish.

LearningExpress Library Help with career and job searches, resumes, cover letters.

Professional Development Collection For education researchers and professional librarians.

PsycINFO World's largest resource of scholarship in behavioral science and mental health.

Recursos para hispanohablantes Spanish resources for career skills, citizenship, GED exam.

School Center  Tutorials in language, math, science; exam preps. For elementary to high school.

Teacher Reference Center  Indexes 200+ journals for teaching pedagogy, best practices, etc.

TeachingBooks Teaching information for K-12 fiction and nonfiction.

WorldCat Dissertations Bibliographic records for dissertations held in libraries around the world.


HeritageQuest Online Essential database resource for genealogical and historical researchers.

ProQuest Databases Ebook Central, GeoRef, Military Database, SciTech Premium Collection.

Texas Digital Sanborn Maps  Digitized maps chart growth of Texas towns and cities.


Copyright Office Online Copyright and fair use, registration, and law information.

Federal Register Federal agency regulations and Presidential documents.

HeinOnline Legal information published by William S. Hein, provides access to many law libraries.

Homeland Security Digital Library Key policy documents on homeland security policy & strategy.

Military & Government Collection 270+ full text periodicals covering military news.

National Archives Legal & historical documents created by the United State government.

Political Database of the Americas Government information on Latin America.

U.S. Government Publishing Office Information products for the branches of the US Govt.

USA.gov Web portal to federal, state, and local government information.