Following God’s calling meant taking initiative as Lori Herrick ’99 adapted her career plans for better opportunity and professional growth.  

06/19/2023 Alumni Spotlight

When Herrick arrived on McMurry’s campus, she described herself as being shy and staying in her room during her first year; however, upon seeing how much was possible if she were more involved with the campus’ community, she took the first of many actions to become more proactive and became a T.I.P Sailor during her sophomore year.  

This action led Herrick to get involved in band as a twirler during marching season, play the clarinet during concert season, and serve as a freshman orientation leader. Getting plugged-in with the community here on campus was the first of many initiatives that have defined her career and made way to who and where she is now.  

Upon graduation with her accounting and finance degrees from McMurry, she sat for the CPA exam and received her certificate in 2004, then completed another certification for fraud examination in 2007. Herrick worked in public accounting until 2013 when she began to feel like the Lord was calling her in a different direction. 

Herrick acted upon His calling and returned to McMurry to learn the ins and outs of higher education by serving as the Director of Student Financial Aid for three years.  

Today, Herrick has continued following the plan He has laid out for her in higher education by becoming the CFO for Abilene Christian University.  

Every step we take,” Herrick begins, “every job we have, every trial we face is just preparing us for the next thing. They are all building on top of each other to make us into the people we are meant to be! […] if you are just starting out, don’t expect everything to be perfect and for this to be your “forever” home! Listen for the nudges from the Holy Spirit to take you to your next step. If you aren’t hearing anything and you aren’t sure, take a step and pray that the doors will be opened or closed according to His plan.”