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David Ainsworth

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Sports Leadership and Management

Sports and Wellness Leadership prepares you for the big leagues – whether at the corporate or collegiate level, in the front office or on the sidelines, in training room or the boardroom. This versatile degree provides fundamental knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, psychology and kinesiology while developing the effective communications and leadership skills you’ll need for career success. The degree is a gateway to a master’s level degree in a variety of disciplines, and the career possibilities are exciting and endless – from sports management, communications and operations to athletic trainer, athletic director, head coach, executive director, and more.

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Physical Education (All Levels)

Imagine taking your excitement for physical education and sharing it with others. Physical education majors combine their love of sports with their natural talent for education management — and inspire the next generation of athletes along the way. As a physical education student, you’ll explore body autonomy, muscle mass, nutrition and the mechanics of body movement. You’ll engage in hands-on learning and receive a well-rounded education to prepare you for a career as a physical education teacher, health educator or fitness instructor. By choosing all levels of physical education, you’ll be prepared to teach at the elementary or secondary school level.

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Kinesiology (Minor)

Kinesiology is the study of the human body and its movement and ability. Professional kinesiologists have the unique job of rebalancing and realigning patients’ physical and nutritional habits for wellness and performance. As a kinesiology professional, your passion for understanding the human body and helping others will be rewarded with a fulfilling career mentoring up-and-coming athletes or helping injury survivors recover their lives. Students who with a background in kinesiology can be found in occupations like physical rehabilitation, fitness consulting, athletic conditioning, coaching and more.

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Exercise Science and Human Performance

A degree in exercise science and human performance explores the systems and structures of the human body and how they relate to performance, injury and healing. Students who graduate with an exercise science and human performance degree can take the first step towards a career in exercise science, physical therapy, chiropractic care, occupational therapy and more. You’ll study the latest research in kinesiology, anatomy, nutrition and physiology — with the goal of understanding and improving strength, mobility, wellness and optimal athletic performance.

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Administration of Coaching (Minor)

Coaches spend their lives positively impacting the physical and emotional wellbeing of athletes. Your minor in coaching administration will act as a reinforcement to other kinesiology programs at McMurry. During your studies, you’ll learn to engage with players of all ages, understand the body and its movement and create sports lesson plans and curriculum. You’ll be prepared for game day with team strategies and motivational techniques to help your players thrive. An administration of coaching minor prepares you for work as a personal trainer, sports coach or manager.

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Kinesiology and Health Fitness

Kinesiology explores the human body and how complex movement impacts overall well-being. As a kinesiology student, you’ll gain knowledge of anatomy and physiology, psychology, exercise science and statistics, chemistry, physics, nutrition and more. A bachelor of science degree will put you on track to help others of all ages and abilities, whether the objective is to attain better health, improve mobility and optimize athletic performance.

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Sustainability and Renewable Resources

The Sustainability and Renewable Resources major focuses on advancing practices that can slow or remediate environmental damage and transform the theory of renewability into action. Sustainability is a holistic field that looks at societal problems of resources and waste management from a variety of perspectives—including culture, business, science and policy. The goal is a balanced approach that moderates risks while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in the future. McMurry University is proud to provide a Sustainability and Renewable Resources major to West Texas.

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Sustainability & Renewable Resources

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