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Pre-Engineering Program

If you are interested in an engineering career, McMurry offers a bachelor of science in engineering physics or a bachelor of science in physics with a focus on electrical pre-engineering. Students in both tracks take mostly the same classes during their freshman year and begin to diverge and specialize at the sophomore and junior years. Either degree plan will give you the mathematics and physics background needed to pursue a master’s level degree in an engineering discipline. It will also qualify you to move immediately into an entry-level technical job in a variety of industries.

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Engineering Physics

The study of engineering physics builds foundational knowledge of physics, engineering and mathematics. In addition to scientific coursework, you be exposed to technical training and experiential learning opportunities. This STEM degree is flexible enough to prepare you for a variety of graduate-level engineering programs – specifically mechanical or civil engineering, as well as a technology career upon graduation.

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Meghan Parker

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Darrell Wood

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Teri Sura-Childers

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Annette Wren

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Brooke Wright

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Gary Wilson

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Chase Wheeler

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