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Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing

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Academic Divisions and Schools

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Testing Information

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Alicia Wyatt

Dr. Wyatt is the project director for the following: Partnering for STEM Success, a Title V co-op grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education approved to increase the number...

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Larry Sharp

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Tina Schueller

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Steve Harter ‘78

Steve Harter ’78 graduated from McMurry with a Bachelor of Music Education. He initially planned to teach in public school, but his path took a turn into church music. Until...

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Stefanie Krantz ’97

Stefanie Krantz ’97 is a climate change coordinator for the Nez Perce Tribe in north central Idaho. She works with a diverse team to assess and plan for the impacts...

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Dixie Robertson

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