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Information Technology

Information technology is a field with wide-open career opportunities. Industries of all kinds need qualified IT professionals to fill both entry-level and leadership roles worldwide. As a McMurry University IT graduate, you’ll be ready to bridge the connection between computers, programming languages, databases and social media or extend your studies with an advanced degree.

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Computer Science

Computer science is a very desirable field because graduates are employable across a wide range of different industries. Because there are more jobs than qualified candidates in many specialties, your chance of landing a good role right out of school is unusually high. As a computer science graduate, you’ll be able to explore the connections between computer science, physical sciences, social sciences, linguistics, engineering and mathematics or pursue your own unique specialization at the Ph.D. level.

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Computer Science Grades 6-12

This specialized undergraduate degree prepares students to earn a certification in teaching computer science in grades 6-12. With a Bachelor of Science in computer science grades 6-12, you will learn everything you need to know about computer hardware, software and networking systems, as well as earn a minor in curriculum and instruction.

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Computer Science

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Servant Leadership (Minor)

Turn your natural management skills into a fulfilling career with the formal study of servant leadership. This minor program explores McMurry University’s Christian roots and teaches a wide range of skills that will equip you for a faith-focused job in human resources, nonprofit, government, business and beyond. Capable leaders are essential for every avenue of business development and ministry, so you’ll graduate with the spectrum of career options available to you. You’ll combine the study of sociology and psychology with real-world experience to lead by example in encouraging and empowering others to succeed.

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Sociology and Criminology

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Philosophy (Minor)

Philosophy has been known traditionally as the queen of the sciences since it explores ultimate questions that other disciplines take for granted, such as “What is ‘the good’?” “Does God exist?” “What constitutes a just state?”. The study of philosophy enhances students’ capacity for critical analysis, stimulates independent thinking and promotes sound reasoning based upon knowledge, moral reasoning and religious insight. The study of philosophy is exceptional preparation for law, medicine, business and other professional programs. McMurry University offers a minor in philosophy.

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Greek (Minor)

Following the fourth century conquest of Alexander the Great, Greek became the common language of the eastern Mediterranean world. It is not surprising, then, that all the texts that would become the New Testament were composed originally in Greek. A solid mastery of Greek will afford unique insight into these texts and will contribute to a solid foundation for any career in Christian service. Students at McMurry University can also fulfill their foreign language requirement by studying Greek; many who do so choose to minor in Greek. You can combine a minor in Greek with virtually any major.

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Ethics (Minor)

Ethics is the study of mores and morality. The McMurry University Department of Religion and Philosophy offers a minor in ethics that can be combined with degrees in religion, philosophy, Christian ministry, interfaith studies and other related disciplines. Our courses require students to engage in critical thinking as they study classical and contemporary texts that bear directly on the question of how to lead a good life. Our program enriches a career in ministry, law, education, healthcare, business and more by providing the skill to address the ethical challenges of living responsibly in the 21st century.

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