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Business Abstracts with Full Text Bus. newspapers, journals, trade journals, annual reports. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Reference Center Inc. risk preparation and evaluation. Business Source Complete Full text of...

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Learn about the events and cultures that have shaped our world and led to the development of our nation – and those around the world. An understanding of the past, sharp writing skills and close attention to scholarship will prepare you for a large swath of career paths.

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Physicists conduct studies and experiments to better understand space, time, matter, and energy – and how these fundamental building blocks of nature interact with each other. You’ll learn about the smallest components of matter, the ways energy can be transmitted and contained, and the mysteries of how the world around us came to be. A focus on physical sciences and mathematics – with ample experiential learning in the lab will prepare you for any number of technical career paths, as well as for graduate level study.

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Biology is the study of life in all its forms — from single-cell microorganisms to complex multicellular plants and animals. The biology program at McMurry University focuses on the organism and how the organism interacts in and with the natural world. Courses explore the diversity of species, ecological interactions between individuals and species, and the evolutionary relationships between taxa. As a biologist, you’ll use the scientific method to observe, ask questions, generate hypotheses, perform experiments and form conclusions about the world around us.

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Music enriches our world in so many ways, be it a mood-setting song in a coffee shop, an exciting movie score or a whimsical ringtone. A successful career in the music field not only requires intensive practice of your instrument or vocal technique, but it also necessitates cooperation in group performance, a background in music history and a firm understanding of music theory.

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Mathematics is the study of the relationships between numbers, structures and patterns, and it is the foundation upon which most other sciences are built. It allows for the collection and processing of data about the world around us and abstract concepts that have no physical representation. The McMurry University Bachelor of Science in mathematics enables students to explore a wide range of mathematical disciplines, and it can be preparation for many technical careers; the foundation for business, medical and law degrees; and the impetus for doctoral-level studies in mathematics or a related field.

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Psychology is the study of human behavior and emotion. It covers a broad range of topics—cognition, motivation, personality development, social influences, memory, communication and mental health disorders, just to name a few. Psychology also acknowledges the role of biology in human behavior and adheres to the scientific method in seeking knowledge.

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