Student Complaints


The Dean of Students & Campus Life will respond to each complaint within 15 business days of receipt. If no other action was requested, the response will acknowledge receipt of the complaint. If further action is requested, the response will describe the actions to be initiated by the Student Affairs office and any further information from the complainant that may be required.

All written complaints received and copies of any responses will be kept on file in the Student Affairs office. Complaints which are unsigned or are not received in written format (e.g. complaints received by phone or in person) will not be considered.

Academic Matters

Written complaints about grades will follow the Grade Appeals process as outlined in the University Catalog.

Grade appeals involve disputed course grades. If a student disagrees with the grade received in a class, he or she has the right to appeal using a formal appeal process.

Non-Academic Matters

Written complaints about administrative or other student services should be directed initially to the appropriate office but may be submitted to the Student Affairs office if satisfactory resolution is not achieved. Appropriate documentation would include copies of any relevant contracts, notices, or other official or informal correspondence with the office or other University personnel.