Christopher Melia Ceramics Reception

September 23, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Christopher Melia Christopher Melia

Born and raised in Humble, Texas, Christopher Melia moved to Corpus Christi in 2001 to extend his education at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi.  Shortly after engaging in ceramic courses offered at the university, he became an apprentice to a local studio potter, William Wilhelmi.  In 2006, he received his BFA in Ceramics.  He continued to work for Wilhelmi and take additional classes until moving to Denton, Texas for graduate school at the University of North Texas.  Chris finished his MFA in 2011.  He currently lives in Whitesboro with his wife, two sons and daughter. He has been with LEHS since 2012. He teaches Sculpture at Little Elm High School, makes work (pottery) in his home studio, and is always going deeper into a variety of trades while developing his property in the country.