Women’s Entrepreneurship Celebration

November 17, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  1. Women's Celebration

Join us for the Women’s Entrepreneurship Panel titled “Do you have the mind of an entrepreneur?” presented by The Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the Walter F. and Virginia Johnson School of Business. ALL are welcome to attend! The panel will begin at 4:00 p.m. followed by light refreshments and networking in the Ryan lobby. Bring your business cards!

The panel will be hosted by Dr. Kevin Phillipson and feature four local businesswomen to talk about their experience and the entrepreneurial mindset. They will also take some questions from the audience! Learn more about these women below.

The student group, club, or sport with the most members represented will win a special prize:

  • Clubs – $250 cash prize for general use
  • Sports (NCAA) – Pizza Party
  • Sports (Club – Non-NCAA) – $250 cash prize for general use