
Greetings from the faculty of the McMurry University Department of Communication Studies. We invite you to join us as we study, teach, research and practice the art and science of communication.

Dating back to ancient Greece and yet transforming the world daily, communication is at the heart of the human experience — and goes far beyond public speaking. In simple terms, it is the exchange of meaning and ideas. But communication is also a catalyst to engage, inform, excite, incite, unify, divide, persuade or publicize.

The Bachelor of Arts in communication studies will immerse you in understanding language in its many forms — and knowing how to style and deliver your message for the greatest impact. Communication also takes place within contexts. We explore those, too: friends, family, work, social groups — any situation where you exchange ideas and information.

Your foundational knowledge is built on the pillars of rhetoric, mediated communication and intercultural communication. Rhetoric focuses on creating, analyzing and understanding ways of influencing others. Mediated communication looks at how different media (internet, phones, television, etc.) effect and enhance communication in a contemporary world. Intercultural communication examines the challenges of communicating across cultural boundaries.

A major in communication studies reflects a mastery of crafting meaningful and memorable relationships — supporting success in both your profession and in life.

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Areas of Study

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in communication studies covers both theoretical principles and experiential learning with emphasis on rhetoric, mediated communication and intercultural communication. Classes span the spectrum of skill areas, from argumentation and persuasion to professional mediated communication. Students will explore the breadth and depth of communication both in their personal interactions and preparing for a future career. If you search for the top 10 skills employers seek in new hires, most are included in the communication major.

Communication studies majors take nine hours in communication ecologies, which are classes in other disciplines that complement communication objectives and incorporate other disciplinary perspectives as a part of the major. These disciplines include political science, psychology, sociology, religion and servant leadership.

Minor in Communication Studies

The communication studies minor focuses on the foundational knowledge of the major. Mediated communication is a core requirement. You’ll build proficiency by choosing classes from three disciplines: rhetoric, intercultural communication and professional communication. Communication is a vital skill for any career, and the minor in communication studies complements any major available at McMurry. Catalog

Minor in Communication & Ministry


Student Opportunities


Communication studies majors have the option to choose an internship as part of their degree. Internships can include positions in radio or television, social media, human resources, political campaigns or public relations. We will work to match the internship to each student’s goals and interests.

Student Leadership

There are many opportunities to practice your communication skills — interpersonal, rhetorical and organizational — in student government, social clubs, Model United Nations and Servant Leadership.

Global Learning Endorsement

The Global Learning Endorsement provides an opportunity for students to highlight academic achievement in global/international studies on their transcript. This endorsement will provide helpful documentation of the student’s expertise for employment in an increasingly globalized world. Learn More
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Beyond McMurry


A degree in communication studies can prepare you for a variety of professions. In addition to communication roles, majors excel in teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, analyzing messages, creating messages, audience analysis, intercultural awareness, intercultural communication and other skills in high demand by employers. Examples of communication careers include:
  • Benefits Representative
  • Business Executive
  • Communication Coordinator
  • Communication Manager
  • Communication Specialist
  • Corporate Communication Specialist
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Digital Media Manager
  • Event Manager
  • Management Analyst
  • Marketing Communication Specialist
  • Membership Representative
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Podcaster
  • Political and Social Advocate
  • Political Communication
  • Program Facilitator
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Recruiter
  • Researcher
  • Sales Representative
  • Social Media Writer
  • Speech Writer
A communication studies degree also builds a strong foundation for graduate studies. Students with these majors enter graduate programs in law, business, human resource management, social sciences, digital media and many more. Of course, some also earn higher degrees in communication studies.

Faculty and Staff

Mary Anna Kidd Assistant Professor Communication Studies
Joel Whittemore Director of Compliance and Accreditation / Instructor- Communication
