McMurry1923 blog honors the founding year and keeps the Centennial legacy alive. It’s a platform for the McMurry community to share their knowledge, insights, research, and experiences with a global audience. You’ll find Old Main Chronicle here.
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Greetings from the McMurry History Department. We invite you to join a community of students and professors who are passionate in their commitment to scholarship and excited about applying the lessons of history to today’s most pressing issues. The McMurry History Department offers a curriculum that blends time-honored courses in the classical tradition with fresh and unique areas of study. This includes the Great Books; ancient, medieval, Renaissance and modern Europe; the United States; military history; and of course, Texas and frontier values.
A history degree provides an excellent starting point for careers in government work and politics. Or you may decide to broaden your understanding of the past in pursuit of a career an archeologist or museum curator. If sharing your love of history and social studies with middle school or high school students, you can earn a bachelor’s degree in history or social studies while preparing for a teaching certification through our Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Whatever path you chose, the past — and your future — await you at McMurry’s History Department.