Grocery Bingo
Students will have the opportunity to compete in bingo to win carts of groceries, toiletries, and other supplies. Collaborative event between Religious and Spiritual Life and CAB. Location: Bishops Hall
Students will have the opportunity to compete in bingo to win carts of groceries, toiletries, and other supplies. Collaborative event between Religious and Spiritual Life and CAB. Location: Bishops Hall
Location: Boone Family Theater (ACU)
Location: San Antonio, TX
Join McMurry students, faculty, staff, alumni, and families in community service for McMurry Serves and help paint a local Habitat for Humanity home. Any skill levels are welcome Dress in layers and …
Location: Hunt and Gold Star Lobbies
Join McMurry students, faculty, staff, alumni, and families in community service for McMurry Serves and be a volunteer blood donor on Tuesday, February 14! You must be at least 17 years old to donate blood, but Texas allows 16-year-old individuals to donate with a signed parental consent form You'll need to weigh at least 110 lbs. and …
Location: Breezeway
McMurry University Theatre presents "A Dolls House" by the classic 19th century playwright, Henrik Ibsen. "A Doll’s House" is a modern tragedy released in 1879 by Norwegian writer Henrik Ibsen. Composed of three acts, the play is set in a Norwegian town of the author’s present day and mainly concerns Nora and Torvald Helmer, whose …
McMurry University Theatre presents "A Dolls House" by the classic 19th century playwright, Henrik Ibsen. "A Doll’s House" is a modern tragedy released in 1879 by Norwegian writer Henrik Ibsen. …