Shirley L. and Mildred Garrison United Methodist Student Center

Among McMurry’s needs at the dawn of our second century, none is more pressing than an expansion and modernization of the Shirley L. and Mildred Garrison United Methodist Student Center. It has served the University well since its completion in 1979. Our imperative to THRIVE requires a new building that fits the needs of McMurry’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors. It must excite, inspire, and engage them — a structure that serves, both symbolically and functionally, as the heart of campus.

Pug Davenport Parris Centennial Garden

Centennial Garden

The Centennial Garden was established for the McMurry family and the Abilene community to enjoy!  Maintenance of the garden requires work and funding.  If you would like to support the efforts to ensure this garden is enjoyed by future generations, here are ways you can participate:


If you like to garden, we welcome your involvement.  You may adopt one of the iris beds, which consists of regular visits to take care of the weeding around the irises and report occasionally on the status of your irises (new growth, lost rhizomes, etc.)  A sign naming you as the adopter will be placed in your bed.

Adopt a Bed

Report Status

Giving Societies

Through the generosity of donors, students are empowered to achieve their dreams, excel academically, and grow as servant leaders, preparing for lives of leadership, service, and professional success. McMurry’s Giving Societies—the Jay Society, Trailblazers, and President’s Council— honor the extraordinary contributions of those who make this impact possible.

Thank you to the incredible individuals and organizations who are part of these Giving Societies. Their support and dedication continue to shape a brighter future for McMurry University and its students.

Division of Institutional Advancement Staff

Michael Hutchison '87 Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Katelyn Scott '97 Associate Vice President of Strategic Communications and Marketing
Brand Resources
Marketing Request Form
Frances Arias '07 Director of Major & Planned Giving
Sarah Martin Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations
Teri Sura-Childers Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Emily Jacques Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship
Hailee Reeder '17 Director of Campus Events
Room Requests for Campus Employees
Baylee Kindrick '23 Assistant Director for Alumni Engagement
Denise Mattie Director of Advancement Services
Tabitha Wilson '23 Assistant Director for Alumni Engagement
Serayah Peters Director of Annual Giving