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McMurry University utilizes Handshake for job postings, event listings, event management, and appointment scheduling. Handshake is a career community platform of 1,200+ college and university partners, over 9 million students, and 550,000+ employers.

Handshake is McMurry’s interactive online recruiting platform. In the platform, McMurry students can upload a resume, access part-time and full-time jobs, apply for internships and more. Students can also connect with employers from all over the country as you consider post-graduation plans.

Click below to learn even more about the Handshake platform.

Select Your Group

Students that are enrolled in classes have pre-established accounts created for them in Handshake. To access your account, you must log in through the Single Sign-on System (SSO) using your MyMcM username and password.

Getting Started Videos

More Resources

Handshake for Students

Resources and More Help

Check out the Resource Library inside of Handshake. The Resource Library is where you can view university news, industry news, and career search best practices.

  1. Click Career Center located at the top of the page.
  2. Click Resources.
  3. Browse through various items posted here and find one that interests you.
  4. Use the search bar to find specific resources like recorded programs, employer partners and business card templates.

Contact Us

To speak with someone on campus about Handshake, contact the individuals below, or reach out to your Academic Success Coach. ­­­

Erica Medina STEM/Pre-Health Career Specialist - Title V
STEM Student Success Center