McMurry University receives a grant from the Texas Methodist Foundation.
McMurry University is proud to announce an award of $31,900 for need-based scholarships, a product of over 30 years of partnership with the Texas Methodist Foundation.
This generous grant allows McMurry to expand access to higher education for all Texans. In an era where the value of higher education is increasingly debated, McMurry firmly believes that a quality postsecondary education is the surest pathway to financial stability, social mobility, and vibrant, healthy economies. Financial need-based scholarships from partners like the Texas Methodist Foundation enable McMurry to provide students and their families with credentials with a positive return on investment. At McMurry, the economic benefits of earning a postsecondary degree far outweigh its cost, so our students graduate better off financially than they would otherwise be.
Ensuring the McMurry experience is affordable for students so they graduate with little to no debt is crucial to their long-term financial stability and economic mobility. The Texas Methodist Foundation’s partnership in helping McMurry provide its students with need-based scholarships is key to this. Manageable student debt, which amounts to less than 60% of first-year wages, is essential to expanding economic mobility for our students. This combination of a postsecondary degree and economic mobility for students will lead to greater economic prosperity for their families, communities, and the state (Building a Strong Texas, 2022).
McMurry University continues to receive national recognition for its ability to ensure its graduates’ long-term financial stability and economic mobility. According to the 2023 U.S. News & World Report Rankings, McMurry ranks #5 Best Value Schools and #7 Top Performers in Social Mobility for Regional Colleges West. Social mobility refers to a university’s ability to successfully graduate students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and help them achieve higher education attainment and career opportunities.