From Chemistry Class to a Calling in Medicine

02/21/2025 Alumni Spotlight

For Lawrence, a single chemistry class changed the course of her future. What began as an initial pursuit of physical therapy transformed into a deep passion for medicine, leading her toward a career dedicated to healing and helping others. 

Majoring in Biomedical Science and minoring in Biochemistry at McMurry University, Lawrence immersed herself in science, never realizing how profoundly it would shape her journey. While she now applies her degree daily in her Master’s in Biotechnology at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Abilene, it was a pivotal moment in a general chemistry lab that set her on a new path. 

During class, Dr. Donnay asked about her career goals, and she confidently shared her plan to become a physical therapist. But his response surprised her—he saw her potential for something greater, suggesting she could become a doctor. Those words stayed with her, igniting curiosity and inspiring her to explore beyond her original aspirations. That summer, she delved into research and shadowed a physician, discovering a profound passion for science and its ability to change lives. 

After graduating from McMurry in May 2023, Lawrence began her Master’s in Biotechnology later that year. In July 2024, she took the next bold step—applying to medical school. She was accepted into a prestigious dual-degree program at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, where she will pursue both a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) and a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD). With her education, she hopes to serve individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, ensuring they receive the care, respect, and compassion they deserve. 

The road ahead is long—another seven to eight years of rigorous study—but Lawrence embraces it with excitement and purpose. She sees the intricate beauty of the human body as a testament to the blessings in her life, reinforcing her passion for learning. 

Ironically, chemistry was once an intimidating subject. As a freshman, she hesitated when her academic advisor informed her that general chemistry was a required course. She wanted to study body movement, not chemical reactions. Yet, that very class became the catalyst for her transformation, fueling her love for biochemistry—a subject she now eagerly anticipates studying in medical school. 

Lawrence’s faith is at the heart of her journey. She has felt closest to God while studying biochemistry, marveling at the microscopic complexities of the human body. She believes that her passion for biosciences is not just a career path but a calling—a way to reflect her faith, bring hope, and heal. She is committed to using her knowledge to make a difference, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their circumstances, are met with love, dignity, and care. 

As she prepares to graduate with her Master’s in Biotechnology in May 2025 and begin medical school that July, Lawrence remains steadfast in her mission. What started as a single moment in a chemistry lab has led her to a lifelong pursuit of medicine—one driven by passion, faith, and the desire to change lives. 

Do you or an alum you know have a great post-McMurry story? We’d love to feature YOU! Contact the Alumni Office at to schedule an interview.