McMurry University announces over 25 percent growth in Spring 2025 enrollment this semester with 2877 enrolled students. McMurry continues a strong upward trend in 2025 after welcoming a new president, Dr. Lynne Murray, and fully acquiring the Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing in January.
“We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Murray with a full campus and exciting growth,” Vice President of Enrollment Management Grant Greenwood said. “Our students, both on and off campus, are looking forward to a great year of education and success.”
Over 1800 students are enrolled in McMurry’s Dual Credit Academy (DCA), a 50 percent growth from Spring 2024. McMurry offers more than 20 courses through the DCA, and enrolled students can pursue several pathways to fast-track their degree at a lower cost. Students who complete their DCA course are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship to attend McMurry after they graduate high school. McMurry has over 125 dual credit partner schools and districts throughout the state of Texas.
“We have strong momentum going into 2025,” Dr. Murray said. “This rise in enrollment is an encouraging reminder of the value our students and our community place on higher education here at McMurry.”
The community is invited to join in celebrating the McMurry University Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing centennial at the official ribbon-cutting and grand opening on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. at 2149 Hickory St, Abilene, TX 79601.
Nicholas Ocheltree, Director of Integrated Communications