
The Johnson School of Business prepares graduates who are well versed in business principles and particularly adept in technical and communications skills within their major field(s) of study.  Christian principles are applied to best prepare students for post-graduate study, effective servant leadership & citizenry, critical analysis of professional and environmental factors, and employment in an increasingly adaptive entrepreneurial and international business environment.


Areas of Study

McMurry offers competitive business degree programs that prepare students for success in their careers.

If you’re fascinated by numbers and data and how they impact the world around us, accounting is an apt career choice to get you started in the business world. You can work in a variety of fields, including tax, auditing, personal finance and public accounting. Your learning will focus on subjects like economics, the pillars of the American tax system and best auditing practices. Alongside McMurry professors, you will evaluate your career goals and prepare for any certifications needed to enter the job market, and an internship or capstone project will help you further hone your skills. At McMurry, you can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and then be eligible to apply for a Master of Accountancy.
Suppose you're a student or professional wanting to deepen your accounting, auditing, and finance knowledge. In this case, getting a Master of Accountancy (MAcc) will allow you to specialize further in the field and improve your career prospects. Professionals with an undergraduate degree in business or a related field who may now want to focus on accounting may benefit from this advanced degree. The program will provide you with the needed knowledge and credentials to prepare you to sit for the CPA exam. A MAcc degree is ideal for anyone interested in accounting and wanting to deepen their in this field, whether you're a recent graduate or working professional looking to advance your career.
Students of business administration learn highly marketable skills that are essential for all aspects of business operations. You’ll take courses in marketing, accounting, economics, consumer behavior, business ethics and entrepreneurship that will give you the skills needed to participate in a startup company or become a successful member of the workforce. As part of your education, you’ll complete an internship or capstone project that showcases your skills. At McMurry, you can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration on campus or online.

Online Campus
Business Administration Minor
McMurry’s entrepreneurship program explores the steps needed to create, maintain and grow a successful enterprise, including what keeps a business operational, the complexities of capitalization, finance, accounting and marketing. Targeted training and skilled professors will help you evaluate your goals and develop and refine your ideas. With courses in law for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial finance, family and prosaic enterprises, high-growth enterprises, and an internship or capstone project, students will be prepared to launch their own business, enter consulting or academia, or work at various levels of a corporation. At McMurry, you can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship Minor
Finance professionals form broad perspectives of the economy and markets while developing focused financial plans for businesses and individuals. They use financial planning, investing, problem-solving and budgeting to streamline operations; draw on mathematical and statistical principles to analyze financial markets and investments; make research-based decisions; and communicate effectively with clients. A degree in finance offers many different career paths, including commercial banking, financial planning, insurance, investment banking, money management, real estate investing, and securities trading or day trading. You’ll study banking, accounting, investments and economics, as well as participate in an internship or capstone project to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance.
Business management explores leadership through the lens of traditional, transitional and transformational practices with the goal of creating a successful company from a managerial perspective. With accomplished business professors to guide you, you’ll learn what it takes to build strong teams, motivate different personalities and work with employees of all backgrounds. Management is all about becoming a compassionate, inspirational leader to drive individual performance and operational success. At McMurry, you’ll study human resource management, operations management, 21st century leadership, organizational behavior and more, while participation in an internship or capstone project will give you real-world experience. At McMurry, you can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration in management.
Marketing connects products to their ideal audiences, blending the science of business with the art of creativity. If you thrive on measuring results within the context of taking a creative approach to business opportunities, marketing is a career option that combines both interests. Mastering the science of data, communication and strategy allows you to track performance against expectation and adjust messaging and tactics to drive sales growth. Creativity, multimedia communication, data analysis and strategic planning are techniques you can learn to build a successful brand, while an internship or capstone project offers experiential training in your field. At McMurry, you can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing.
A minor in international business combines the knowledge of business operations with culture and diplomacy. You’ll learn about world banking and trading systems while acquiring the skills to do business in markets around the world and adapt business concepts to other countries’ financial, sociopolitical, legal and economic systems. Once you’ve decided your major, you’ll choose a country or region of focus so that you’ll be prepared with the appropriate cultural intelligence. The international business minor offers a unique opportunity to broaden your business acumen and career options.


The Johnson School of Business offers certificates that provide an opportunity for students to concentrate their coursework on specific areas of interest. While developed with business students in mind, students of any major may enroll for as many as desired.

These are university certificates — not industry certifications. However, it is expected that these certificates will prepare students to take industry certification exams. Completed certificates will be documented on the student’s transcript, enhancing prospects for employment in an increasingly competitive workplace. Additional information:
  • Any degree-seeking McMurry student is eligible to participate.
  • Certificates can be earned separate from a McMurry degree.
  • Students must meet all prerequisites necessary for courses required in the certificate.
  • At least half of certificate coursework must be completed at McMurry.
  • Certificate curricula include at least four courses, earning a minimum of 12 credit hours.
  • Unless specified otherwise, students must earn a grade of C or higher in all certificate courses.
  • Students seeking one or more certificates must declare their intention by noting it on the Degree Audit Request form in the Registrar’s Office. For May and August graduation, the deadline is on or before September 1; for December graduation, the deadline is February 1.
Students seek this certification in preparation for enrollment in the Master of Accountancy program or to help them earn certificates and licenses, such as Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Analyst, enrolled agent and more.
This certification program teaches students to develop key performance indicators and reporting systems to improve the performance of managers and units throughout an organization.
While completing coursework in political science, business, law and public relations, students gain an understanding of the impact of politics on business and the importance of managing stakeholder relationships. This certificate is designed for students seeking employment in government.
This certificate program prepares students to become business intelligence analysts, business intelligence consultants and data analysts. Studies include business intelligence, analytics concepts and best practices.
Learn to effectively lead communications teams in the face of a significant business event or crisis, as well as best practices for keeping employees, external stakeholders and media informed. Well-suited for careers in human resources or management, this certificate program supports a degree in marketing, entrepreneurship, general business or management.
Understanding the effect of digital design on consumer behavior enhances a degree in marketing, general business or entrepreneurship. This certification program prepares students to work in a corporate marketing environment, digital agency or independent business.
To become an enrolled agent with the Internal Revenue Service, students must first pass the Special Enrollment Examination. This program prepares students to take on the test and become successful enrolled agents.
Completing this certificate can help students feel confident managing finances for themselves, their business or for a corporation. Through dynamic instruction, you’ll learn financial terminology and the concepts and tools needed to communicate with finance managers, articulate business investments, and develop pro formas and proposals for decision makers.
This certificate program offers nonbusiness majors an overview of the four major functions of business — ethics, economics, accounting and contemporary business — to gain a broad view of the corporate and entrepreneurial world. Choosing this certificate will enhance the value of any major.
Depending on the country, business management techniques and best practices can look vastly different. By studying global management, students gain a basic understanding of business functions around the world, enabling them to contribute to national and international companies. Choose this certificate program to support a minor in international business or general business.
Students interested in combining their knowledge of business with healthcare use this certificate to study public health and contemporary business issues in research and healthcare, as well as to understand how business underpins all aspects of the healthcare industry.
This certificate program provides the requisite foundation for students interested in pursuing a Master of Accountancy at McMurry or completing a Certificate of Internal Auditing designation. You’ll study accounting systems, internal auditing, ethics and managing for quality and complete an accounting internship.
Learn what it takes to be an effective leader, how to encourage those around you, and how to set up business policies and procedures for success. Course topics include time management, strategic decision making and communication with everyone from employees to investors.
This certificate teaches the use of data to build an effective marketing plan. Students will use marketing and business skills to make strong business decisions that set the direction of a company, unit, department or product line. Consider this certificate if your major is general business, entrepreneurship, business administration or management.
The courses for this certification, including ethics, developmental psychology, social problems and contemporary business, equip students for jobs such as as volunteer manager, marketing director, fundraising director and more.
Combining the study of psychology and personality with proven management techniques, this certificate teaches strategic decision making, proper communication methods and leadership skills from a Biblical perspective. This certificate program is an excellent addition to a degree in management, marketing, general business and more.
Sales focuses on data and statistics to drive revenue and profit, as well as creating strong relationships between your company and potential buyers. Learn about marketing management, professional selling, the art of persuasion and more with this certification program, which supports a degree in marketing, entrepreneurship or general business.

Student Opportunities


An undergraduate education in business is an excellent foundation for your career or for advanced study.
  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Banking
  • Business
  • Corporate Finance
  • Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Planning Government
  • Graduate School
  • Investment Banking
  • Law
  • Market Research Analysis
  • Marketing
  • Media Buying
  • Retail Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Systems Analysis
  • Systems Management
  • Tourism
At McMurry, our mission is to facilitate excellence in all our students by creating a learning environment in which they can thrive. We pride ourselves on the success of our students, which is showcased by the Business Student Advocates Program. To participate in this program, business students are nominated by faculty based on criteria such as classroom performance, campus and community involvement, individual initiative, and the ability to function as a team player. Business Student Advocates are presented with opportunities to network with the Business Advisory Board, alumni and prospective students. To learn more, contact Mr. Geoff Haney.
Eligible students are invited to choose an honors curriculum to increase their knowledge of business and broaden their resume. Admission requires the completion of 60 hours of college credits and a GPA of at least 3.5 in accounting, economics and business — with a 3.25 or higher in all other courses. Students must complete seven hours of courses in business, including an honors tutorial thesis. Departmental honors will be obtained in the student’s area of business concentration. To learn more, contact Mr. Geoff Haney.
This in-depth study may be related to an advanced business course, and it can be taken with concurrent enrollment or after a successful completion of the course. The honors tutorial may be repeated for credit, not to exceed four hours of combined credit. Honors students should complete the honors tutorial the semester prior to the honors thesis. To learn more, contact Mr. Geoff Haney.
This course represents the senior project for honors students. Following the completion of the honors tutorial, students will design, execute and present a research project orally and in writing. The project will explore an essential issue or concept in their field of study. To learn more, contact Mr. Geoff Haney.
An internship, a degree requirement, offers students tangible experiences in business. To qualify, students must:
• Complete 90 credit hours toward their undergraduate degree.
• Acquire the specific skills necessary to successfully participate in the corporate internship position.
• Maintain good academic standing.
• Meet any requirements of the individual employer, such as a minimum GPA, specific coursework completed or classification as an upperclassman.

Students should expect to initiate their internship planning a year in advance by identifying their specific educational needs and business goals and then scheduling a meeting with their academic advisor or director of business internships for their discipline.

Academic credit can be earned for any of the business concentrations. Students work with the director of business internships in their discipline to complete a learning contract that documents their plan of study. Once enrolled in a course in the appropriate concentration, students are required to intern for a minimum of 120 hours to obtain credit. Required forms are available through the Johnson School of Business office or by contacting the director of business internship. To learn more, contact Mr. Geoff Haney.
At McMurry, we believe in offering students innovative experiences with real-world risk and opportunities. The Student Management Investment Fund is entirely assembled and managed by select business students who research stocks for purchase, acquire and sell stocks, and present findings to faculty and classmates. The McMurry Board of Trustees funded the program with an allocation of $1 million from the university’s endowment fund portfolio of domestic equities, and students have raised the endowment to almost $2 million in seven years. To participate in the program, students must have met high standards of study and community engagement. This invaluable experience lends great insight into corporate finance and investing, and it affords students to distinguish themselves on their resumes.
Created by students in the Johnson School of Business, this club provides a way for students to network and exchange ideas with alumni and successful local and regional business leaders. Events include the Business Lunch Talk, whereby prominent speakers and professionals provide information to students in an informative lunch-and-learn setting.
Learning by doing is a powerful way to learn, and McMurry actively engages students in research in three ways:
• Courses are project based. Curriculum is created with research and data from which students learn. Students involved in research learn experimental design, data collection and results analysis.
• Students join in faculty research. This can take the form of weekly participation in a research project or summer study conducted on campus or in other research centers. Students are frequently invited to present their research at professional meetings.
• Students complete a capstone experience. These senior-level projects confirm that students have the working knowledge and skills to design, conduct, analyze and present information. The capstone experience, the final requirement for the business degree, can take the form of an internship, research and data collection, a written assignment or oral presentations in senior classes, or in a strategic management simulation.
A degree from the Johnson School of Business is an exceptional launching pad for a career in law. Many law students begin their studies with a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship, marketing, general business or business administration. If you’ve declared your major and career intentions, McMurry’s pre-law professional agreement can help you organize your course load to best prepare you to thrive in law school.

The Law School Admission Counsel recommends a broad liberal arts curriculum as the preferred training for a legal career. Admission committees want to see law school applicants who can think, write and speak well; have an understanding of the human experience; and rise to intellectual challenges by choosing rigorous academic coursework. For more information, contact Dr. Paul Fabrizio.
The Global Learning Endorsement provides an opportunity for students to highlight academic achievement in global/international studies on their transcript. This endorsement will provide helpful documentation of the student’s expertise for employment in an increasingly globalized world.

Faculty and Staff

Geoff Haney Dean of the Johnson School of Business
Frank Badua Assistant Dean of the Johnson School of Business, Professor of Accounting
Patricia Lapoint Professor of Management
Kevin Phillipson Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship • Director of the Center for Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Elizabeth Watson Instructor of Business Administration
Ashish Ghimire Assistant Professor of Finance
Drew Li Assistant Professor of Accounting
Sajani Thapa Assistant Professor of Marketing


The Johnson School of Business Advisory Board offers advice, sponsors educational projects, provides assistance, recruits students and funds activities that benefit McMurry business students and faculty. The advisory board works to:

  • Promote the Johnson School of Business and improve the quality of education received by students.
  • Enhance programs and projects in business and entrepreneurship.
  • Increase the flow of innovative ideas to the administration and faculty by business owners, alumni and the community.
  • Involve supporters of the Johnson School of Business in shaping the future of McMurry’s business programs and studies.
  • Promote and coordinate recognition of business alumni who have demonstrated outstanding success and leadership in their professions.
  • Participate in revenue generation for specific projects, needs, scholarships and more for the Johnson School of Business.