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Email Portal
Marketing Request Form
Click on the link below to contact the Marketing & Communication Department to assist you with your marketing needs. We ask that you provide at least 15 business days' notice to complete any project request.
Maintenance Request
Using the link below, you may email maintenance to submit a work order for items needing repair. Include building, location (e.g., classroom or office number), and floor location. Please briefly describe your issue, and the request will be assigned to the appropriate staff.If you have a custodial need, please email HES Facilities Management at
Room Requests (Ad Astra)
Employee and Faculty Handbook
Both handbooks can be found under Quick Links in the McMurry PortalMcMurry Student Travel and Event Policy
Staff Council Suggestion Form
The purpose of the Staff Council is to study, consider, and exchange ideas related to the University’s staff and to make recommendations as needed to the President. Staff is defined as non-faculty employees excluding the members of Cabinet.If you have a suggestion for the Staff Council to consider, please use the following link.