Registrar Office Information

The Registrar’s Office is the official custodian of student’s academic records. The office records grades, prepares student transcripts, evaluates academic records, oversees the preparation of the course catalog, the schedule of classes, and ensures student data privacy is maintained.

Hours: Monday — Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed on official McMurry holidays)

Phone:  325-793-3888

Email: (Please allow 24-hours for a response.)

Physical Campus Location: Maedgen Administration Building, First Floor 

Mailing Address: 1 McMurry University #338,  Abilene TX 79697

Grad 2025

Academic Information

More Information

Directions for completing and submitting the form:

  1. Fill out all the information. (type your name as your signature)
  2. SAVE the form to your computer as GRAD APP [your last name]  after you have filled it out.
  3. Email the SAVED form as an attachment from your computer (use McM email only).
  4. Send the email to

You may also come to the Registrar’s Office in person to complete a paper application.

Application Form

Registrar Staff

Sarah Driskell Registrar
Registrar's Office
Carrie Marsh Assistant Registrar
Registrar's Office
Kyler Burd Assistant Registrar
Registrar's Office
Leighanna Mostert Assistant Registrar
Registrar's Office