The Lasting Impact of One Professor Yields Robust Opportunities for Current Students

Ward-Bottom Scholarship Available for Science Majors

Some professors have monumental, long-lasting impacts on students. Dr. Virgil Bottom, former McMurry physics professor was one of those. Roger Ward ‘67 never forgot the impact Dr. Bottom had on him and turned that appreciation into a substantial award to McMurry University so that future students like him have an opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Ward came to McMurry on a Methodist scholarship from a small Texas Panhandle town. He studied under Dr. Bottom, whose work helped develop quartz crystal production in the U.S. during World War II and later served on an advisory board to advise the Eisenhower administration on technical matters. At McMurry Dr. Bottom continued his research on quartz and invited students to Saturday classes to conduct undergraduate research. Dr. Bottom’s guidance prepared Ward and most students in that class for successful careers in quartz crystal devices.

Named a McMurry Distinguished Alumnus in 2015, Ward built a highly successful career and became president and CEO for Quartzdyne, Inc., which makes sensors to measure oil well pressure. Because he wanted to give back for what Dr. Bottom had given him, Ward created the Ward-Bottom Science fund in 2015. He has given generously to the fund over time, including a $1Million gift in 2022. 

The fund established the Ward-Bottom Scholarship and provides resources for faculty to enhance their courses and add to student experiences, such as support for students attending conferences, equipment to improve undergraduate research and faculty training.

“The fund provides for a stronger department. We can offer undergraduate research and opportunities beyond the campus. For example, we try to take students to conferences twice a year, tour commercial entities, and attend Texas Section of American Physical Society meetings,” said Dr. Tikhon Bykov, chair of the divisions of science and mathematics.

The focus on undergraduate research and opportunity to showcase it has grown. McMurry’s Undergraduate Research Symposium, a university-wide event encourages students from all fields to submit their research. It enables students to witness their peers’ research and affords students an opportunity to learn how to present their research through posters and presentations.

“We want students to conduct high quality research,” said Bykov. “Some of the equipment students actually work on at McMurry is only available at the graduate level elsewhere.”

A portion of the Ward-Bottom funding supports senior research projects. Depending on the science major, students perform solo or team research projects or an internship. Such research projects teach students how to design a project, timeline, budget, and effectively perform research on their own. Such research and internships give students an advantage when applying to graduate school.

Scholarship Criteria and Application

The Ward-Bottom scholarship covers half of a student’s expenses, including tuition, room and board, and books. Originally offering scholarships in physics, Ward saw the impact of his gifts and the success of recipients during and after their time at McMurry. He made additional gifts and broadened it to additional disciplines. The program now offers four scholarships to physics majors, and one each in chemistry and biology.

Roger Ward attributes his success not only to physics, but the overall McMurry experience. Criteria for the scholarship reflects that, such as focusing on students from small towns, living on campus, and being an involved student.

Faculty in physics, chemistry, and biology select students for the Ward-Bottom Scholarship, based on the following criteria:

Interested students can log into the student portal to apply.


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