Library Policies
Common Policies
While we are not a public library, we do participate in reciprocal borrowing with the Abilene Consortium Libraries: ACU, HPU, HSU, and the Abilene Public Library.
- McMurry students = 60 items (from MCM, APL, ACU, HSU and HPU) 3 weeks with 2 renewals
- McMurry Faculty = 60 items for 1 semester with 2 renewals at McMurry. Checkouts from other Consortium libraries are consistent with their policies.
- Abilene Public library patrons = 5 items, 21 days, 2 renewals.
- AISD 5th Graders at McMurry= 3 items, 21 days, 2 renewals.
- MCM’s leased materials (McNaughton) are non-circulating to ACU, HSU and HPU, McMurry fifth grade students and APL patrons.
- Tex Share = 2 items from general collection of each consortium library for 21 days with 2 renewals.
CAVEAT: There is a difference between Consortium Loans (from one of the five Consortium Libraries) and Inter-Library Loans (outside of the Consortium). Please check to see if the item you want is available within the Consortium first by using the catalog.
While the Library is usually considered adequate for most undergraduate needs, it is impossible for even the largest library to contain all the material needed for more sophisticated programs. To this end, the library staff, through the interlibrary loan system, is able to borrow from libraries outside of Abilene if adequate time is allowed.
May request up to 5 articles/ books, not available in the Consortium, at a time through ILL.
- For the majority of students materials will be requested from TexShare libraries only.
- Students writing their honors thesis may request items found outside of Texas WITH:
- PERMISSION from the Department Head to request items
- A GUARANTEE that they will pay the charges, if any.
- Students writing their honors thesis may request items found outside of Texas WITH:
- There will be no charge unless the lending library requires payment.
- The student will be contacted before ILL department confirms a request from a library requiring payment. Payment will be due upon receipt of the requested item.
- The ILL Department follows Copyright restrictions when making inter-library loan requests.
Faculty/ Staff:
May request items as needed. Please check to see if they are available in the Consortium first.
IF the material is not available in Abilene:
- Items will be requested from TexShare libraries first, if available.
- There will be no charge unless the lending library requires payment.
- The faculty/staff member will be contacted before the ILL Department confirms a request from a library requiring payment. Payment will be due upon receipt of the requested item.
- The ILL Department follows Copyright restrictions when making inter-library loan requests.
ILL may take a week or more.
Methods of request:
- WorldCat (most efficient) & Multi-Search interface
- Written Form
- Emails from faculty
If you need help please come by the library or contact the Reference Librarian.
The Jay-Rollins Library provides collections and services in support of the instruction, research and service missions of McMurry University. Users have the right to expect a safe, pleasant and productive environment for research and study. Users are expected to abide by the rules established by the Jay-Rollins Library and MCM’s Student Code of Conduct found in the MCM Student Handbook. If patrons are asked to change their current behavior and refuses, they may be asked to leave or the staff member on duty may call Campus Security.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:
- Creating a disturbance or behaving in a manner which interferes with normal use of the Library, such as rowdiness, noise, loitering, and offensive interpersonal behavior.
- Disruptive use of cell phones or other electronic devices.
- Violating policies concerning tobacco products, alcohol or drugs.
- Failing to follow library circulation policies and procedures.
- Mutilating, defacing or misusing library materials, equipment, or property.
- Removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without checking them out or without proper authorization.
- Concealing or otherwise restricting access to materials in the library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
- Possessing a weapon or hazardous substance/item.
- Tampering with emergency mechanisms (fire alarms, alarms in elevators, opening emergency exits in non-emergency situations).
- Being in an unauthorized area of the building; remaining in the building after closing or when requested to leave during emergency situations or drills.
- Bringing animals into the building that do not meet ADA guidelines.
- Riding wheeled devices in the library not intended for medical use.
- Violating University and Library rules regarding computer use.
Shaped by Christian principles, McMurry University challenges students to examine our complex world from multiple perspectives in preparation for lives of leadership, service, and professional success.
Since conversation is essential to intellectual exchange and spiritual formation, inhibiting learning and conversation can be troubling. When community members cannot contribute to important dialogue, we risk impoverishing the search for truth, placing in jeopardy the university’s goal of preparing students to engage with the world.
The library selects material primarily to support the courses at MCM, the faculty’s research, and on a modest scale, the recreational reading interests of our campus community. Because the university’s courses reflect a variety of ideas, the material in MCM Library reflects a variety of ideas. Book selection does not equate to endorsement just as reading does not equal agreement with content. Selection is based on our collection development policies to align library materials with course needs. We endeavor to have materials that allow our campus and community to learn, to evaluate, and to discuss in a collegial manner.
When the Library receives a written Request for Reconsideration of Materials Form, the Director should:
- Stamp or write the date of receipt on the form
- Make a copy for the Director’s office and for the person submitting the request.
- Acknowledge receipt to the individual who made it and provide a copy of the procedures and timeline that will be followed.
- Notify the professional library staff by sending them a copy of the request.
Within 10 working days of when the request was filed
The Director will organize a Materials Evaluation Committee composed of:
- Director (chair).
- The other professional library staff.
- A classroom professor most closely associated with the resource.
- Three other members of the McMurry community. (Faculty and Staff)
- The total number of members of the Materials Evaluation Committee should be an odd number to avoid the possibility of a tie vote.
- Select a non-voting recorder for the Materials Evaluation Committee from the assembled committee.
The Reference librarian will provide to the Materials Evaluation Committee:
- copies of the relevant portion of the collection development policy governing the selection of that resource.
- a description of the classes the resource is primarily intended to support.
- any positive or negative reviews of the resource.
- the number of times the item has been checked out and how many other libraries in the Abilene Library Consortium have it.
Within 20 working days of when the request is filed, the Materials Evaluation Committee will:
- Individually and as a committee, determine if the resource meets the criteria within the library’s collection development policy and MCM’s overall policy.
- Individually and as a committee, check general acceptance of the materials by reading reviews.
- Individually and as a committee, weigh values and faults and form opinions based on the material as a whole.
- Meet, discuss, and prepare a Materials Evaluation Committee Report.
On or before day 28 of the request period, the Director must send a copy of the completed Materials Evaluation Committee Report. The Director will:
- Prepare a letter and a copy of the report and send them to the person who filed the request for reconsideration.
- Notify the VPAA of the University.
- Notify library employees of the decision.
- Keep a copy of the request, committee minutes and decisions, and any other correspondence.
The decision of the Materials Evaluation committee is final.
McMurry University acknowledges and respects the need for such accommodations. In accordance with the Americans Disability Act, service animals are permitted on campus, and although it is not required, it is highly encouraged for students to report their service animal to the Disability Services Coordinator. Emotional Support Animals must be approved through the Disability Services Office and the Office of Residence Life prior to being brought onto campus. Please contact the Residence Life Coordinator for more information. Students with approved Emotional Support Animals must gain approval at the beginning of each semester in order to have their animal continue to reside with them on campus.
In order to help maintain a pleasant, productive and safe environment for all Library users and staff, the following behavioral guidelines for service animals are to be observed.
- Service animals must be in physical proximity with their handler (owner) and under handler control and not left unattended at any time.
- Service animals must remain on the floor at all times and not permitted on tables or other furniture.
- Service animals must be on a leash or harness at all times unless the use of a leash or harness interferes with the animal’s effective performance of its designated task(s). If the animal cannot be leashed or harnessed, it must be under the handler’s control via voice, signals, or other effective means at all times.
- Service animals must not display disruptive behavior such as barking and growling.
- Service animals must be housebroken and their handler is responsible for any upkeep or cleanup of the animal.
- If a person has allergies or is uncomfortable in the presence of a service animal, that person should seek out a staff member for assistance.
NOTE: If a service animal’s behaviors or actions pose an unreasonable or direct threat to the health or safety of others or do not conform to these guidelines, it may not remain in the Library building. In accordance with ADA guidelines, non-compliance of guidelines can be grounds to ask the person and the service animal to leave the Library building.
Student HandbookAll buildings on the campus of McMurry University are tobacco free. Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived products, including and not limited to, cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco (e.g., snus). It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring, or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation.
Smoking, dipping, or chewing any form of tobacco as defined above is not allowed in any building on campus. Smoking is not allowed within twenty (20) feet of an entrance of any building on campus. (Complies with the City of Abilene Ordinance, Chapter 10, Article III, Division 2, SMOKING of the Code of the City of Abilene.) Designated areas have been established for students to smoke outside of the buildings. In accordance with university and NCAA rules and regulations, the use of tobacco at any athletic event is prohibited.
Student HandbookAs a member of the Abilene Library Consortium, we have members of the Abilene community utilizing our facilities. We have three stand-alone Internet access only computers that do not require log-ins. As an Academic Library our computers are not filtered. The Abilene Public Library, another member of the Abilene Library Consortium, requires youth under 18 to have a document on file giving parental permission for under age patrons to access the Internet. We will follow their requirements.
An un-accompanied minor requesting access to the Library’s Internet only computers must present a valid Abilene Public Library Card. The card will be checked to see if the minor has signed permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian on file allowing them to access the Internet.
If the three Internet-only computers are in use and a McMurry patron needs access to the computer, the minor will be asked to log off.
If the minor accesses sites of a sexual/violent or inappropriate nature, they will be asked to log-off and leave the Library.