
Students have access to the library’s resources through the library’s website, email, phone conversations, and an online chat service. In addition, if you are in town, stop by to see us.

How we can help:

  • Guided research assistance.
  • Access to databases, electronic journals and eBooks, 24/7, through the library website.
  • If you need print material, you can request a book on interlibrary loan through your local library or arrange with our Reference Librarian, Keith Waddle.
  • 24/7 Reference Help in Ask a Librarian!
  • Your login to databases from off campus, is your McMurry email username and password.

Contact Us:

Explanation of Sections

  • Library Books – Search for books and library materials located in the shared online
    catalog of the ALC libraries -MCM, HSU, ACU, HPU and the Abilene Public Library. Choose McMurry as your library.
  • Multi-Search – searches all of the databases, online catalog, eBooks and eJournals at one time.