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A Welcoming Community

As a United Methodist institution, faith and religion are vital aspects of life at McMurry. Through varied programming, the Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL) division fosters the exploration of faith traditions, spirituality, philosophies, and life values within higher education.

RSL programs and activities bring together the campus community. The tapestry of our campus is distinct, creating inspiring experiences for all who participate. Gather for weekly worship, make new friendships, join a mission trip, gain leadership experience, and develop a servant’s heart as you advance spiritual knowledge.

Bring your beliefs, ask questions, and explore varying viewpoints, as a part of your ongoing faith journey. No matter where you find yourself, we welcome all walks of life with open arms. We promise to support and help you to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly through your time here.

Real Connections

McMurry University serves a campus community with 1,100 students and nearly 300 faculty and staff. McMurry welcomes students of all faiths and no spiritual traditions, and offers resources for students who wish to pursue a spiritual journey.

  • The University Chaplains and Office of Religious and Spiritual Life are committed to supporting you in issues of faith, purpose and meaning as you navigate life at McMurry.
  • Tuesday Chapel is held in the Mabee Room in the Campus Center at 11 a.m. September through May. The Christian service welcomes all bringing together the campus community for praising God, prayer, and encouragement.
  • Student Leadership Team plans and leads activities to support students in their faith journey, fulfillment of mission work, and development of friendships.

Why Talk To a Chaplain?

McMurry University chaplains are confidential resources trained to listen and support you - on virtually any topic! While they serve and lead religious communities on campus, chaplains support the whole university community - whether religious, spiritual, secular, or none of the above.

At McMurry, our chaplains are available for all students (as well as staff and faculty). Chaplains offer a nonjudgmental, respectful ear for anything you’re going through.

To make an appointment with a University Chaplain, simply send them an email or call the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. Contact information is below.


Finding community and making friends can be a challenge. Chaplains are here – not only to listen to how this adjustment has been for you – but also to help you think through strategies for finding community here on campus.


Struggling with family about your major, difficulties communicating with a roommate, bullying on social media, trouble in a friend group, navigating a sticky dating situation – these are all the sorts of conversations that chaplains regularly have with students looking for sounding boards when dealing with these interpersonal dynamics.


Questions of becoming sexually active, exploring sexual and gender identities, and coping with sexual assault may be discussed with a college chaplain in a safe, confidential, and nonjudgmental setting.


Chaplains are here to help you make meaning – figuring out what excites you, considering your purpose, asking big questions, thinking about how you want to shape your life and serve the world. Your chaplain’s office is a great space to think out loud, in a confidential space.


A chaplain is thrilled to hear about what’s going right in your world, and to cheer you on.  We’re a nonjudgmental presence when you’re trying to figure things out and it’s OK to humble-brag about yourself, too!


Exploring the spiritual dimensions of our humanity can be a wonderful resource on the journey of life. It’s also totally normal to doubt or wonder if some of what you were taught might be toxic or unhealthy. Cults and unhealthy religious groups love to target college students, so please come talk to us about anything you’re curious or concerned about.


The death of a loved one, prolonged illness, accidents and other unexpected life events can be very painful experiences. Fear of our own mortality and questions about an afterlife are normal after such difficult experiences. Chaplains are a helpful resource to process all of your feelings and help you find ways to begin to heal from your loss.


Many college students struggle with feelings of pressure, shame, or authenticity surrounding their childhood community, family, or religious practice. Chaplains may be a resource for helping you think about how to integrate (or not) your family’s beliefs as you develop your own personal and/or religious identity.

Religious and Spiritual Life Staff

Office of Religious and Spiritual Life | Garrison United Methodist Campus Center

Ricky Harrison University Chaplain and Director of Religious Life
Religious and Spiritual Life
Rev. Dr.
Russell Miller Asst. University Chaplain and Asst. Director of Religious and Spiritual Life
Religious and Spiritual Life
Anahi "Bunny" Lopez Administrative Assistant - Religious and Spiritual Life
Religious and Spiritual Life

Religious & Spiritual Life Missions

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