
The mission of the McMurry Career & Experiential Learning Center (CELC) is to provide a supportive environment for McMurry students and alumni to engage in individualized career exploration and planning that complements their academic experience and supports their professional goals.  McMurry CELC is committed to serving the diverse campus community and alumni with sound knowledge and supportive enthusiasm for academic, career, and personal development leading to careers that reflect their values and lead to lives of leadership and service.  It also provides opportunities for employers to have access to bright talent through campus events and online resources.

Services and Events

  • Major field of study and Career Guidance
  • Students uncertain of which major to declare
  • Part-time work while attending classes
  • Graduates about to enter the workforce
  • Preparing for graduate school
  • Alumni seeking employment or career change
  • Alumni Career Networking
  • Business Etiquette Dinner
  • Graduate School, Virtual, Part-time, Internship, and Teacher Job Fairs
  • Class Presentations and Absent Professor Program
    • We offer a variety of presentations covering various career-related topics including Resume and Cover-Letter Writing, Networking Basics, Business Etiquette and Successful Interviewing Techniques. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your class, please call Deborah Castleman at 325-793-4903 or email castleman.deborah@mcm.edu

Student Four Year Career Plan

Self Evaluation & Career Planning

As you begin your college education, it’s perfectly okay not to know what you want to do later in life. Take time now to learn as much as you can about your skills, personality, lifestyle preferences, interests and values. This information will help you choose a major and begin to explore the exciting world of career possibilities awaiting you!

  • Develop your interests and skills through student organizations, sports, classes, volunteer organizations and extracurricular activities.
  • Get to know faculty, staff and advisors.
  • Explore courses and talk to advisors about options you are considering.
  • Establish good time management and study skills.
  • Take FOCUS, an online career guidance tool. Obtain information in Career Development Office
  • Explore majors and career options at the Career Development Office.
  • Browse through library books and internet resources.
  • Talk about your career interests with parents, friends, professors and other individuals already employed. Also, talk with McMurry career development staff.
  • Acquire computer skills by familiarizing yourself with word processing and various types of software.

Summer Vacation

  • Get a summer job in a related field you are considering for a career
  • Work hard to pay your own expenses
  • Develop a strong work ethic

Career Exploration & Investigation

Continue to explore and gather information about career fields. The best resources are people who work in the career fields that interest you. Internships, summer jobs, and volunteer activities can also provide first-hand insights.

  • Attend career fairs and other career-related programs to increase your knowledge of the full range of jobs that people perform.
  • Conduct informational interviews with people who work in career fields of interest to you. Spend a day on the job with a professional (job shadowing).
  • Pursue internships, part-time and summer jobs and volunteer activities to gain work experience and to learn more about your work preferences.
  • Assume a responsible role in activities on campus.
  • Register with the Career Development Office and discover how they can assist you in the following: researching careers, writing a resume and cover letter, networking, job searching techniques, and interviewing.
  • Begin writing your resume.
  • Compile references for future use.
  • Improve communication skills.

Summer Vacation

  • Get a summer job related to the career you are pursing.
  • Pay all expenses, build work reputation and establish professional references.

Gaining Career Experience

Internships and summer employment will help you acquire new skills, learn more about careers and develop a network of contacts. Aim for outstanding academic performance, especially in your major. Now’s the time to go back and once again ask and answer the questions “Who am I?” and “What do I want?”

  • Update your resume after each work experience or on-campus leadership activity.
  • Seek leadership responsibilities in extracurricular activities.
  • Make an appointment to have your resume critiqued by the Career Development staff.
  • Continue to build practical experience through internships, co-ops, and student activities.
  • Establish relationships with those professors and supervisors from which you want to obtain recommendations.
  • Register with the Career Development Office.
  • Identify career options that match your major and interests: Take Interest Inventories.
  • Research careers.
  • Discuss career opportunities in your major with faculty, professionals, advisors, and Career Development staff. Attend job fairs and on campus interviews.
  • Attend workshops and seminars on campus.
  • Begin networking with professionals already in the field.

Summer Vacation

  • Get an internship or job in your field.
  • Continue to develop computer and job related skills and knowledge of the workplace.Compile an inventory of interests and skills.Compile reference letters, awards, commendations, etc.

Job Search & Transition Into The Workplace

Plan ahead and set reasonable career goals for yourself. By now you are facing a transition from college to graduate school or a career position. Graduate school applications, letters of reference and test scores must be submitted early. Identify prospective employers and career positions.

  • Assume responsibility for finding employment.
  • Look for Job listings at the Career Development Office.
  • Participate in Career Development on-campus interviews.
  • Look for additional jobs via internet searches using the Career Development website.
  • Use your contacts to identify job opportunities and get referrals.
  • Attend Career Fairs.
  • Confirm your remaining degree requirements at the beginning of the year so there are no “surprises” when it comes time to graduate.
  • Participate in another Internship to make your resume incredibly impressive to employers.
  • Prepare for your first job. Talk with McMurry alumni about their first year on the job and some of the challenges you can expect. Continue to update your resume and cover letter and have them reviewed by career services.
  • Write to and join professional associations.
  • Network, network, network.
  • Organize your job search, prepare a placement file, and send out resumes.

Career Development Staff

The Career & Experiential Learning Center staff is located in the Campus Center.

Deborah Castleman Career Specialist
Career & Experiential Learning Center