
The mission of the McMurry University Pre-Professional Program is to provide the curricular advising and career guidance needed by our students as they prepare themselves for application to and successful completion of a professional school program.



Pre-professional programs are those which require additional specialized academic training unavailable in undergraduate programs at McMurry.  For instance, McMurry does not offer law or medical degrees, but we provide the foundational course work and preparation for students who plan on applying to law schools and medical schools. There are no pre-professional majors. Students of any major may attend a professional school, provided they take the prescribed required courses beforehand, meet other admissions requirements, and are selected from the pool of qualified applicants in a competitive process.

All pre-professional programs at McMurry fall under the oversight of the Pre-Professional Council, which is composed of the pre-professional program advisors and select practitioners from the professional fields.  Students are encouraged to contact the advisor for the program of interest early in their college career and remain in contact regularly thereafter to receive the advising necessary to prepare the student for professional school application.

Students of any major may apply for admission to the Pre-Professional (P2) Program. Continuance in the program is based on grades, motivation for the profession, character, and satisfactory progress in completing required pre-professional school course work. The P2 Program offers special activities, events, and opportunities designed to familiarize students with the expectations of professional programs, current trends in admissions, options within the profession, and exposure to the life of a practitioner. P2 Program students will receive personal annual diagnostic progress reports to help improve their competitiveness for professional school acceptance.

For more information on professional program preparation, please contact the advisor for the pre-professional program of interest.

Programs Offered

McMurry University offers an apprenticeship Athletic Training Program.  This program has been approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for pre-licensure preparation in athletic training.

An athletic training student is able to work with all 20 sports programs in an athletic training lab.  To complete the athletic training lab, students must gain hours of hands on experience with a goal towards mastering competencies needed for state licensure or entry into a Master’s level Athletic Training Program.  Evaluation, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries and conditions are the foundations of athletic training.

Kinesiology and Health Fitness Apprenticeship Athletic Training Program Form

Brady Cox Endowment

The Brady Cox endowment, honoring the late Dr. Brady Cox, funds a scholarship to support students by broadening their experiences to improve their preparation for successful futures as health professionals.  Students may apply for a maximum of $250 to defray travel expenses associated with conference attendance or group trips with a health professions theme.  Contact Erica Medina, your faculty advisor, or your academic coach for more information!

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