Sacred Wind
Sacred Wind was created in 1991 by Abilene artist and McMurry graduate Terry Gilbreth. Located in the center of campus, the statue of the Indian warrior emphasized the significance of the Native American culture in the founding of McMurry. In March 2011, McMurry adopted a new mascot, the War Hawks, and it is the Harris hawk that sits on the shoulder of the Indian warrior, as if foreshadowing the transition. Through the visual representation of the Indian and the hawk, the statue embodies the past and the present and is a true testament to our shared heritage. In Native American lore, the hawk served as a messenger from the great holy spirit to human beings. On his wings arrived the knowledge required for survival. In the artist’s words on the plaque at the base of the statue, it is written that “someone who desires knowledge should always listen to the messenger and keep his eye on the hawk.”